Booking Policies.


Before filling out the form below, there are a few polices to be aware of - they are as follows:

  • I usually only tattoo Tuesday-Saturday. Tues-Fri 12pm to 6 pm, Sat 12 pm to 4 pm. There may be some exceptions.

  • I take a 100$ deposit and this deposit comes off the final tattoo price on the day of the appointment or can be rolled over to the next or a new appointment. Next/new appointment must be made in shop day of your current appointment, no floating deposits for months. These deposits are nonrefundable. I accept deposits via my business venmo, other payment options will have to be discussed. No deposit, no appointment.

  • If given at minimum of 7 days notice, I am willing to move an appointment once, before secondary deposit is required. There are some situations that cannot be helped, please email me and we can discuss.

  • If you are looking to book a custom piece, please be aware I do not send designs, they are to be seen day of. If you do not like the design drawn for you, depending on situation we can reschedule if you’d like but a new deposit is required. (This means if a new drawing is created, the deposit is forfeit).

  • I charge based on an hourly rate, which is 150$/hr. Minimum time for appointments is an hour. Though for certain projects, depending on size/complexity I will flat rate. Cash, card and venmo accepted. If you have a specific budget, we can usually work things out - just mention it in our email correspondence.

  • I do not work outside of the styles shown in my portfolio for custom work. Please understand if your booking request is not accepted for these reasons, but I will recommend another artist in shop I feel will be able to deliver to results you are seeking.


To request an appointment please fill out this form completely and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.

I look forward to working together!

To continue a current project, any questions or concerns, press/media inquiries — etc…please send an email directly below.